
Tea Time

by Feralucce Savage I gotta tell you, it’s difficult being single and childless in this day and age. Seriously, people get downright offended when you don’t have children. And what’s worse, they will tell you just how offended they are. In great detail. At length. Without ceasing. “Imagine if your parent didn’t want you!” they’ll…


Out of Order

by Feralucce Savage The day Clarise was granted her Ph.D was the proudest day of her life… until today. Eleven years of college had finally paid off. Today was her first day at CERN. Her theories in intersectional transdimensional collision cosmology had intrigued Dr. Gianotti, Director-General of the lab. Clarise was shocked that such an…


My Best Friend

by Kristopher Hoffman Not many girls can claim that their best friend while growing up was a warship. I can. You see, my father was a diplomat on a Sun Descending class Corvette. Yeah, I know, they decommissioned all of those long ago, but we still fly her. Just because the fleet has a new…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie

Care Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 68 – I conducted a social experiment… and it hurt

I recently conducted a social experiment. I admit it – it probably wasn’t ethical. I know it wasn’t approved by the National Psychiatric Association. It’s not accredited. However, it is accurate. Let’s start with a premise: Once your Aspie develops feelings for someone, those feelings are incredibly strong. This is any emotions – friendship, love,…


Backfire: Why You Fear Science

Most of us have been involved in a discussion that turned into a ridiculous argument. In almost every one of these situations, the conversation took a turn for the worse after you presented a well reasoned argument backed by facts, figures and citations that contradicted someone’s closely held beliefs. What’s interesting is that the beliefs…


Racism Does NOT Exist

The other night, Bill Nye was on the Nightly Show. He made a very valid and salient point. Racism, in nature, doesn’t actually exist. I agree with his point… Bear with me – I’ll explain. “In biology, a species (abbreviated sp., with the plural form species abbreviated spp.) is one of the basic units of…


Yeah… You can call me that…

Liberal – adj.: 1) of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties. 2) favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties. 3) favoring or…


The American Way

Here’s some thought for you… Love the president? Good on you. Hate the president? Good on you. Love or hate him, so many Americans are forgetting something… He was elected. By the people. That is the nature of democracy. You not liking him doesn’t matter… Obama is YOUR president. We, as a country, elected him.…



Every woman has had a moment in their life where they have thought to themselves, “Yup… this is the moment of my rape.” Even if it didn’t happen… they were expecting it to… And that… THAT why I say that any statement defending men… any statement that says “#NotAllMen is a problem… it elevates the males…

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The Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 65 – Okay… We’re going over it again… Vaccines don’t cause Autism

Since I have migrated over to this shiny new website, it has become easier for people to track me down. This means that people have been able to send me some email… Some of it kind of hateful… AND some of it is coming from the anti-vaccination crowd… I have spent the last couple weeks…

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The Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 63 – The doomed land of Aspergia

This piece is controversial in nature. Many Aspies will disagree with the sentiments expressed in this article. I mean no disrespect, and like many of the articles in this series, I only speak for myself. Aspergia – proper noun; A fictional country that is characterized by citizenship that is comprised exclusively (or almost exclusively) of…

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The Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 62 – A bit more on special interests

I should write a great deal… Let me reword that… I should write more on THIS series. But I can’t. Let me explain… Writing is one of my “Special Interests.” I discuss the basics of Special Interests HERE. As previously discussed, special interests are obsessive in nature and release hormones that create a sense of…


Just so you know…

Let’s see… here’s what’s been going on… We migrated everything over from the old server Changed the entries on the other site to link to the entries here Created an index for “Care and Feeding” Editing the second novel in the “Ex Mortis” series Almost done with recording the audio play for Death Cramps My…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 60 – Repetitive Behaviors and Meaningless Ritual

I knew someone who compulsively sharpened pencils According to studies, Autistic Spectrum Individuals tend to engage in ritual behavior.  I have found many studies on the subject but the abstract on THIS ONE states it clearly and succinctly. “Ritual behaviour, while often considered as nonpurposeful or problematic, can also be regarded as functional behaviour for individuals with…


And this stuff needs to stop

On deviantArt, the following comments were made… I hate that so-called “aspies” demand hugbox treatment instead of equal treatment. I don’t subscribe to that particular school of bullshit, however. I don’t care if you’re black, white, Mexican, autistic, or have no arms, if you act like a fuckface I treat you like a fuckface. I’ve…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 58 – My Tummy Hurts.

There have been several studies in recent years that have revealed something interesting. According to these studies, more than 50% of Autistic Spectrum Individuals suffer from gastro-intestinal problems. Often there will be digestive problems, food allergies and the like. There has been a lot of discussion about these issues, but there is no one answer…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 57 – POV, Acceptance and the Need for Education

This entry was prompted by a discussion on Wrong Planet. It is a clarification of points made in a discussion about perceived violence from Autistic Spectrum Individuals… I am not going to be discussing the original topic, but instead focusing on my opinion of Point of View. I believe that there i a fundamental disconnect between…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 56 – Why Does He Have to Talk? – or – Nonverbal Events

I often pull inspiration for issues of this series from several sites that I belong to. This one comes from A man is concerned about his son. The boy is 15 and lives with his mother in another state. The boy, recently has stopped talking to everyone but his father. He won’t speak to his…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 55 – You think YOUR teen years were hard.

When most people think back to their teenage years, they remember a time of tempestuous emotion, hormone changes, and other difficulties… I will say that I try not to minimize anyone’s personal experiences, but this is one time that I really have no choice… The changes of puberty are already a nightmare… Hormones – the…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 53 – Self Advocacy

These days, we hear the phrase “Self-advocacy” thrown a lot. But what, exactly, is self advocacy? The dictionary defines an advocate as “a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc.” It goes on to define advocacy as “the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending; active espousal:” So… at…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 51 – I have a diagnosis… and now the world seems to be filled with Autistics

First off, I would like to thank FNORD from for this topic. I started a thread on the website and asked people to offer up ideas for topics for the series… I have gotten a couple great suggestions.  So… You’ve gone through all the steps… You’ve started with the self assessment tests… You’ve talked to your…


Happy Halloween!

There is a Christmas song that states “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” That’s a lie… it’s halloween… My schedule should settle down after this weekend so I can get back to writing… BUT… Here I wanted to give you something for my favorite day… So… here are some of the most awesome…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 50 – I have Asperger’s… Now What?

So… I have dedicated a lot of words in this blog to the importance of getting an official diagnosis when dealing with… Well… I’ve focused on Asperger’s and Autism, but really… It is important to get a diagnosis for ANY mental health issue… but that is not what I need discuss to today… You finally…

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Care and Feeding of You Aspie: Supplemental – An Example of Aspie Decision Making and Dissonance Resolution

When I was young, I discovered a book that, LITERALLY changed my life. It’s not what you think. It wasn’t a self help book. It was fiction. It was a novel by Orson Scott Card – Ender’s Game. This was the first time I had read a book that understood how children think and talk.…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 46 – Are you going to let them… erm, you talk to you like that?

This is the kind of afternoon it was. Today, I spent a lovely afternoon with a close friend of mine. We’ve been talking about doing a photo shoot for the last few months. We finally got the time and were able to synchronize our schedules to get it done. While we were shooting, Nyx and…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 45 – Random Advice for Aspies

Sometimes… it’s ok Sometimes it is completely appropriate to be impolite.No, Seriously. Politeness, at times is an affront to one’s true feelings. If you are in a situation where politeness would TRULY be damaging to self esteem, cause excessive dissonance or psychological damage… Then it is appropriate, allowable and NECESSARY to eschew politeness. This is…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 44 – What’s with all this junk?

Before you read this piece, I KNOW that hoarding is not exclusively with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Asperger’s Syndrome… HOWEVER, Autistic Spectrum Disorders in general and Asperger’s Syndrome specifically are marked by obsessive tendencies and “Special Interests.” This is a lie… we need all the things Anyone that has had any hobbies knows that there…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 42 – Sometimes… I fail at being a human being

The following statements about species, genetics and the like are not based in fact and are really only intended to drive home the point. I used to simply let hyperbole stand, but it seems that wasn’t working… people did not seem to catch onto the fact that it was hyperbole for this reason… or that…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 41 – Retooling of Thought May Be In Order

I have been writing this series under a conception that was fostered by the basic classification of Asperger’s Syndrome. In the DSM, it has been listed as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. And, as such, I have been approaching it from that precept… that Asperger’s and Autism are different manifestations of the same physical issues. I…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 40 – Self Diagnostics; where do I go from here?

With the prevalence of Autistic Spectrum Disorders, one needs to know… Often, adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders or Asperger’s will suspect that there is something wrong. They will feel it in their bones. They will see the bewildered looks others give them in social situations and know something is wrong. They will find themselves overwhelmed…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Supplemental

Well… I’m stuck… I have run out of material… I need suggestions for topics… I think I have two more that I can cover… but I need suggestions… Images in this NON-issue SHAMELESSLY stolen from the following sources:

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 39 – Anxiety and Acting Out

The following is a description of anxiety according to the May Clinic: “Anxiety happens as a normal part of life. It can even be useful when it alerts you to danger. But for some people, anxiety persistently interferes with daily activities such as work, school or sleep. This type of anxiety can disrupt relationships and…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 37 – The Autistic Brain vs. The Neurotypical Brain; Visual Proof

High Definition Fiber Tracking… It’s been in the news recently… A LOT. HDFT is a form of Magnetic Resonance imaging that tacks the diffusion of water through neural tissue that transmits data throughout the brain. The study was conducted in two parts. The first part consisted of scans of of post-mortem human brains. The results…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 34 – Celebrities, Historical Figures and Fictional Characters

This originally started out as a rant. I was furious and I typed up a long diatribe that was supposed to be enlightening and funny and… well I don’t know what else it was supposed to be, but what I ended up with was an unintelligible mass of invective gibberish that made little (if any…


A Cat Named Fufu by Jon Mason

“Autism is hardwired into the brain.” – Alex Durig, Ph.D. Kriss Hoffman recently wrote a great essay about curing Autism.  I wish I wrote it.  I suggest you read it before reading this essay. (That essay is located here.) Make the unrealistic assumption that a person is capable of only two types of thought, A &…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 31 – No… IT’S NOT CAUSED BY VACCINES!

I was gonna put an autism awareness imagehere, but they are all puzzles… this is better.  Let’s talk about autism… Specifically what causes it… ACTUALLY… what doesn’t cause it. There is a lot of talk in the media and on social media sites about what causes autism. Most of the time, these people are placing…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 29 – A Schism of Reasoning – Why We NEED the Classification of Disease.

This part of the series is a meandering essay on the negative perceptions associated with certain words, my thoughts on perceptions of language, NT perceptions and a framework of understanding needed for advocacy. Some of the conversations I was in while researching this specific issue were a bit heated… and I will admit, I got…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 27 – Things that Every Autist Wishes You Knew

Since this guide is designed to facilitate communication and interpersonal relationships between Neurotypicals and Aspies, this entry is long over due. This is a list I have compiled from all over the web of things that Autistic Spectrum Individuals wish that Neurotypicals knew. These are not in any particular order, so please do not lend…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 25 – Depression

Let’s discuss Autistic Spectrum individuals and Depression. Studies have shown that Autistic Spectrum individuals suffer from depression at a higher than average rate than the mean. That is to say, there is a higher incidence of Depression in Autistic Spectrum individuals than there is in Neurotypicals. Several studies have also claimed genetic markers in common…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 24 – Aspies, Pain and Perception

I have heard the Neurotypicals in my life comment on my processing and perceptions of pain. As a result, my sister (also Aspie) and I had a long conversation about Autistic perceptions, Neurotypical Perceptions and pain. We came to some interesting conclusions.  Often, you will notice some odd things about your Autist and their tolerance…


Thank you all for reading!

Is started this blog over a year ago as a depository for my ramblings. For the longest time, most of the posts had between 3 to 8 hits… It was a low count, but that was fine… the readers weren’t the point. Then the folks on Wrong Planet ( started talking about the need for…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 23 – Parents of Autists and Socialization

Parents of Autists (Autistic Spectrum individuals) want the best for their children. On of the biggest issues for Autists is socialization. The inability of their child to socialize in any meaningful way breaks many parent’s hearts. Parents will often seek to foster interpersonal relationships.  There are some common approaches that many parents take in this…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 22 – Information Processing and Autistic Spectrum Individuals

Behavioral models are boring diagrams, so here’s anawesome spaceship model. I like it, a lot. When psychiatrists discuss behavior, they refer to “models”. There have been numerous models used to describe the behaviors associated with autism in the years since scientists accepted that there is a neurological basis for the condition. While none of them…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 21 – Social Perceptions, Clothes, Intent and Feelings

Dating can be difficult for your Aspie for a number of reasons. Most of them, at least by my reckoning, are because of the expectations, perceptions and expectations of Neurotypicals. The reason this part doesn’t mention dating in the title is that this extends beyond the realm of dating and into many social situations as…


Epic Lloyd

Before I discovered “Epic Rap Battles of History” I would have told you that I hate rap music. I was introduced to that series and enjoyed it a lot. Through that…I discovered Epic Lloyd. This man has some amazing work. I thought I would share my favorite with you… I hope you enjoy.

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: supplimental – I am what I am… And that will NOT change

The following is an open letter to the world. I write this as an Autism Self Advocate… I write this as an Autistic Spectrum individual… I write this as a self proclaimed champion of the rights and perceptions of other Autistic Spectrum individuals. Unlike Autism Speaks, I do not claim to be THE authority on…

The Care and Feeding of your Aspie Uncategorized

Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 19 – To Cure or Not to Cure?

The following statements are from personal experience and reasoning. I have Asperger’s Syndrome and am considered High Functioning by most standards. So, I can only speak for myself as the information applies to other High Functioning individuals. I do not have a frame of reference, nor do I claim to speak for those with greater…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 18 – Rules to Help Aspies Navigate the NT World

This is a departure from the rest of the series. I have been writing this primarily to assist Neurotypicals in understanding their Aspies. In this part, I will be imparting some of the myriad social rules that we are inundated with throughout our lives. These will seem nonsensical to most NTs, but I assure you…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 17 – Aspies and Health Care Professionals

With the high rate of co-morbid conditions that accompany Asperger’s syndrome, and their secondary effects, skin problems, digestion issues, joint problems and any of the complications associated with anxiety disorders, it can be a chore to make sure your Aspie is taken care of, medically speaking. Which brings us to another issue – getting your…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 16 – Intelligence, Neurotypicals and Relations

Intelligence is a difficult thing to measure and quantify. Modern psychology does its best, but sometimes falls short in measuring it effectively. The best measurement that is available today is the Intelligence Quotient, or IQ. This score is calculated from a set of standardized tests to asses intelligence. William Stern is responsible for the label…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 12 – Your Aspie and Special Interests

Aspies (in fact, all high functioning autistics) have obsessive behaviors and interests. In the Aspie community, the term “Special Interests” has been adopted to refer to these behaviors. Special interests are exactly what they sound like – an interest that holds the attention of our scattered thought patterns. The reason these are “Special” interests is…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 11 – Autistic Spectrum Individuals and Sexuality

It doesn’t matter who you talk to, EVERYONE wants to fit in, to be loved, to be wanted. It is a basic HUMAN need. In spite of the fact that people OFTEN (this is not a blanket statement… it does not mean all  non-AS individuals) treat Autistic Spectrum individuals differently than they do others, we…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Supplemental – Response to a reader comment

I participate on a couple Autistic Spectrum message boards. On one of these, I have been sharing this series – partly as a form of shameless self promotion; partly to get feedback and further ideas for the series; and partly to help others understand our condition. Recently a comment was made on the board that…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 9 – Comorbidity and Your Aspie

Aspie weirdness  Aspies are, on the best of days, considered weird by NTs. A lot of that is just the Asperger’s, but at other times, it might be something else. Autistic Spectrum Disorders have a high incidence of comorbid conditions. What does this mean?  Well, comobidity is either the presence of one or more disorders…

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Care and Feeding of your Aspie: Part 8 – Autism… It IS a disease.

Autistic Spectrum individuals and Parents/Family members of Autistic Spectrum individuals tend to rankle at the following statement.  Autism is a disease.  I find it odd that a group of people who are noted for their literal nature would react with such vehemence to such a simple statement.  The medical definition of a disease is “an…


Stop shaming… Period

See? Big can be beautiful, too. Let me start by saying that my permanent partner is a size 18 and is goddamn sexy for it. For that matter, most of my play partners through the years have been “bigger women.” I stand almost 7 feet tall and weigh in at almost 300 pounds. I have…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 5 – Cognitive Dissonance, Decision Making and Communication

It kind of feels like this Cognitive dissonance is defined as the discomfort experienced when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel “disequilibrium”: frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc. After reading those two statements, you are asking yourself, “What…


Let’s talk about gun control

The legislation as proposed will do nothing… nothing at all to stem the violence… why? 1) bun owners that are following the law and getting guns through the permit process are not committing the crimes and therefore is meaningless and ineffective. 2) restricting gun a, when gun b is as effective (by the gun owner’s…

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Care and Feeding of Your Aspie: Part 3 – Aspies and Stress

It is common for people with Aspergers to be upset by little things throughout their day. It can happen quickly and relatively easily. Sometimes, the least little thing can set your Aspie off. Aspies and Autistic Spectrum Individuals often suffer from stress from environmental influences that other people would either take in stride or not…


Neil Gaiman and a Calendar of Tales

Neil Gaiman created a multimedia project – “A Calendar of Tales.” A different short story for every month of the year. Then he called for photographers, illustrators, painters and the like to submit their interpretations of the short stories. Then, on February 25th, he opened the project to film makers. This is our first piece…


Gun violence and the United States.

In 2012, there were several mass shootings.(the following text was pulled from the following source: Feb. 21: Norcross, Ga.4 killed, plus shooterJeong Soo Paek, 59, a man with a history of violence and who had been asked to leave the family’s spa, returned later in the evening and killed his sisters and their husbands before…



There is a a site called Nerd Bastards… ( It’s pretty much a geek’s paradise. They cover nerd news, geek couture, art, etc… They cover all things nerdy. Recently, I created a photomanipulation using an image of Doctor Who’s Tardis and Salvador Dali’s Persistence of Memory. It looks like this. And today… The Nerd Bastards featured…


Sandy Hook Elementary… This explains my feelings better than I can.

The text of this article was originally posted here – Thinking the Unthinkable Michael holding a butterfly In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full…


twas the week before christmas

Kind of… It was the 5th annual Film Industry party in New Orleans… Normally, I don’t do parties. I make a couple exceptions every year: Halloween and Christmas. The industry Halloween party is a “come as your favorite dead celebrity” theme. Christmas is just a meet and greet. It’s producers, directors, writers and actors. Last…


Why did we go to mars?

The Curiosity Rover According to the mission statement for the Mars Curiosity Rover, we are looking for possible alien life. Or, more accurately, scientists chose a landing spot for the rover that would be a likely place to discover remnants of life if there had ever been any on the planet. While I am very…


Let’s talk about the DSM-IV

The DSM-IV is an important document in today’s mental health field. Honestly… it is the MOST important document in the field. DSM is an acronym for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. It is a catalogue of Mental Disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. In the US, it is used to describe, classify and diagnose…


I’m not dead, I promise

I know…I know… I’ve been neglecting you guys. Chances are, I will continue to do so until mid September. *notices the readers gathered around waiting on the new post* Oh… Hi… This is… well… awkward… I didn’t see you there. I wasn’t.  What was that? You thought I was talking to you guys?  *uncomfortable laugh*…


There was a time

There was a time… Back when the world was young… no…that’s not right… There was a time, back when the internet was kind of new… That I was proud to tell people about deviantart. It was a collection of artists all (for the most part) wanting to get their work seen. I came to a…


Ummm… I… yeah… it speaks for itself…

I am in shock… And I intended to write a full article today, but I stumbled across this today… An autistic teenager died after being set on fire with self-tanning spray at his own birthday party: Police are investigating whether the death of Steven Simpson was murder or a drunken prank that went wrong. Steven celebrated…


I hate fucking depression

Right now… I should be writing. I have so much writing to do that it’s not even remotely funny. Let’s look at what I SHOULD BE WRITING. Blog entries a couple episodes of z some web-comic outlines for z a comic script for z a novel outline for z call sheets breakdowns contact lists emails…


Today was a good day!

Bad Fan! Stand in the cornertil you’ve learned your lesson! A couple months ago, the Fondue Goddess’ laptop started making a sound… it sounded, for all the world, like there was a cat inside the case, growling to be let out. Immediately, she texted me saying, “My laptop is making a horrible sound!” I, evidently,…


It’s odd…

I don’t base my perceptions of myself on anything but my accomplishments and knowledge… That is, until recently… I watch a specific performer on youtube (NICE PETER). Nice peter does a short video every Monday called “The Monday Show.” (Go figure.) On the Monday Show, Nice Peter has a segment called “Viewer Mail.” I won’t…


I was gonna rant, but…

I was going to rant. Any major religious holiday brings it out in me. I fancy myself a thinking person, and these holidays are truly disturbing to me in most cases. It is hard for me to believe in something that is not substantiated by repeatable and proven fact. The christian religion has taken symbols…


Judge Rotenburg update!

Disclaimer: This issue of my blog was written laboriously over 5 hours on the night of the 28th and the early morning hours of the 29th. As I was adding the images, Blogspot freaked the hell out, and my entire night’s work was lost. What follows is my reconstruction of the issue, but after some…


I am humbled

Many interviewed me. That is the link to the write up of Jon’s interview of yours truly. He says a couple very nice things about me. I am pleased and embarrassed.  I’m humbled. Kinda like this. The images in this issue SHAMELESSLY stolen from the following sources: 


Is this thing on?

Is this thing on? Recently, I received a request for an interview. It was odd… I do not consider myself the kind to be interviewed. I just do my own thing. I make my silly movies, record my vlog, work on my novels and pour my brain out on the blog. I will admit I…


No more bananas update… update?

Previously on…what ever the hell this thing here is… response to a bunch of nosy fuckwits ( who decided to give up random, stupid, trivial shit so that they can have a say in other women’s uterine activities, I made a vow. No bananas! That vow was:Feral’s Pledge of Moral MoralitudeI pledge that until congress…


And some people are just stupid.

See that blank stare? That’s what we all think about younot knowing about the moon landings. July 20th, 1969. We landed on the Moon. Everyone remembers the event. Even if you’re not old enough to have “witnessed” this momentous occasion on television, you still remember it. You’ve seen the videos, heard the quotes. What was…


And now… the most disturbing thing I have seen in a long while!

I was surfing the web today and stumbled across these two images.  That is a breast.  This is ALSO a breast.  These are boobs. Boobs mad up to look like horror characters… kinda…  Freddy Kruger and Pinhead… breasts…  I’m done.  Images in this issue SHAMEFACEDLY stolen from the following source:


Retarded? Really? REALLY?

Let’s start this blog entry off by saying I do not believe in PC speech. Not really. Politically corrects speech really serves no purpose except to water down the powerful imagery that the English language is capable of. I seriously have a romantic relationship with the language, so witnessing its destruction is heart breaking.  Hate…


This is the official advertisement for the “Free Flexor.” That’s it. Just watch the commercial. Seriously. Watch it. I have watched this thing at least 30 times and I have laughed myself sick. It just keeps getting funnier every time I see it. I am curious. Do you think that the guy that invented this…


Odd… this tea tastes like balls!

So… by now, you have heard about the infamous “Alabama Tea-bagger” incident in New Orleans. Wait… you say you haven’t heard about this? What’s tea-bagging, you ask? What is this “New Orleans” you speak of?  I respond with the following… Where the hell have you been?? I mean seriously! Where??  Okay… recap.  The Alabama vs.…


Quantum leap… wait… jump?

Welcome to Quantum Jump Vacations… our cruising altitude today is somewhere between weird as fuck… and insanity… the weather at our destination is a balmy “WTF?” Quantum Jumping… mark my words, it’s going to be all the rage… all the kids will be doing it. According to “science” one guy has been doing it…



It’s January the 18th… internet blackout day… people have become so upset over the internet piracy acts that MAJOR websites are down for the day in protest. Today, your internet will look like this: This is today. And this: And this is Wikipedia.  “But, Blue Haired Weirdo! What does it mean?!” It means that…


I cannot sleep

Here it is… 5:33 am. I have a meeting with Liam: The Brick today. I should have been asleep hours ago… but I can’t sleep. When I was a child, it would have been because there was a monster under the bed. Unfortunately, it’s not like that. There’s no monsters under my bed. There’s…


Uh, yeah? Your’e a towel.

I suck at small talk. I mean, I really suck at small talk. I really, REALLY suck at small talk.  The following is just one example.  Random Person Whose Name is Unimportant – “How’s life?” Me (Cheerfully) – “Subject to entropy, chaos, decay and eventual death. How’s your mom?” Random Person Whose Name is Unimportant…


Betrayal most foul.

So… I have been writing since I was… Wait a sec… I have to think about that… I have been writing since I was 13. That’s 24 years. ANYWAY… I keep notebooks of ideas. I keep them to keep track of my ideas, because I forget things. It also allows me to develop the ideas…


There is a cat in my pants

I just went to get dressed and go see a friend (The Fondue Goddess)… and there is a cat in my pants. I will say it again because it bears repeating…. There.Is.A.Cat.In.My.Pants. It’s not Lilly… thank god… she’d be judging me… “You are going outside… again? WTF hoonam?!” It’s not Zoe… this is a good…


I’m much better now.

I gave you some of the downsides of bipolar last night… and touched a little on why mixed bipolar is such a weird and dangerous thing… But today… after the depressive swing… I woke up MANIC… I could go ten rounds with mighty Thor and not feel a thing… Godzilla ain’t got nothing on me!…



I just realized that Black Cat probably didn’t get back to me because they don’t have my email address!!! – let me know your settlement offer… I’m really cheap! I also was getting ready for bed and noticed something that terrified me…  MY TOENAILS ARE BLUE! Meep! She’s sweet, and knows her name, butnot really challenging…